parking app

About the App

The parking app is a recent project I have been working on. It allows users like me to easily find and book parking spots with a few clicks.


Problem to solve

As a longtime driver myself, I have been struggling finding parking spots in downtown. I am constantly on the go and need to find nearby parking spots right away. Despite of many existing apps in the market, it’s hard to find a handy tool with simple steps and intuitive navigations to help people solve parking problems.


UX design

The design avoids exposing users to excessive information with hidden menus, complicated filters or redundant pop-ups. It adapts a flow structure to organize its information, only when users carry out a particular action on the current screen, they will have access to the other screens, which helps them to focus on the immediate task. The flow structure also sorts out the most valuable information for users and provides easy-to-follow steps regardless of the constraint of small mobile screens.



UI design

Bold and minimal aesthetic has always been my inspiration for creating fresh-looking UI. Two complementary colors ( blue – yellow ) are used as the primary and secondary color for the app. The contrasting colors along with modern typography make the user interfaces appear cleaner and brighter. Similarly, the app icons provide an easy-to-understand visual guide, so users can navigate through the app painlessly.



Final designs


